Welcome back to a new school year
I would like to welcome all children, parents and staff back to a new school year. I hope that many of you could enjoy some quality family time over the summer whether on holiday or at home.
It was lovely to welcome the children back yesterday. They were so excited to be back and looked so fresh and smart in new uniforms and shoes. Thank you to all parents for making sure their children have the correct uniform. It helps to instil a sense of belonging and sets the tone for learning.
Class teachers will be letting you know which days your children can come to school in P.E. kits. It is really important that it is correct kit - plain black shorts or joggers, red t shirt and black trainers. Hoodies, football kits and logo/designer sports clothes are not allowed, the normal school sweatshirt should be worn over the T shirt. If your child does not have the correct kit, they should come to school in normal uniform and can bring P.E clothes in a bag and change before and after the lesson.
Please continue to send in a snack for morning break each day. This should be as healthy as possible. Crisps and sweets are not allowed.
Thank you for your support in these matters.
I look forward to seeing you all around school over the coming days.