Times Tables
Time Tables
We are working hard to improve our pupils’ knowledge of times tables throughout the school. Times tables are an important mathematical tool and pupils need to learn them in order to apply them in their work.
The need to multiply is everywhere – in almost all areas of maths and throughout our normal lives. Budgeting, shopping, DIY and cookery are just a few examples of everyday activities in which we use multiplication tables. If our pupils learn their times tables, all of these calculations become much easier. At Woodgate the pupils have daily times table practice, weekly testing and all pupils complete the half-termly Woodgate 99 Club test. However, the more we can help at home the better.
In the document below you will find a few games and strategies of how you can best support your child to improve their times table knowledge. Practising daily will help to ensure that your child develops a secure understanding and fluent recall.
Expectations for times tables for each year group: |
Year 1 |
Count in multiples of 2, 5 and 10. Recall and use all doubles to 10 and corresponding halves. |
Year 2 |
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables, Including recognising odd and even numbers. |
Year 3 |
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables. |
Year 4 |
Recall and use multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12x12. |
Year 5 |
Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12x12. |
Year 6 |
Revision of all times tables and division facts up to 12 x12. |