Spoken Language
We understand that children cannot write what they cannot say. Speech and vocabulary are the starting point for every lesson.
Our English curriculum intent states that that children will have the confidence and skills to discus argue and elaborate on their ideas and experiences using a confident voice.
- All pupils are assessed on entry using WellComm, data is used to set up early interventions using a specially trained EYFS TA.
- The school employs a speech and language therapist who works with groups, individuals and support teachers and TAs with whole class teaching and individual support.
- Staff modelling correct spoken English. Either through discussion and/or carefully planned and managed interactions, where the vocabulary is carefully pitched to support and challenge the child.
- The explicit teaching of new or relevant vocabulary in a all lessons. Usually, this is tier 2 vocabulary as this provides the most ‘pay off’ per word taught.
- The use of widget symbols to provide visual prompts for vocabulary before children are able to read fluently.
- Protected story-time for every class, where children are exposed to quality text and language across genres and forms.
- A carefully planned ‘talk card’ programme that allows teachers to model and teach, vocabulary, sentence types and grammar in an evolving structure that builds on prior knowledge. The cards provide prompts to children, to first talk and then write the vocabulary or sentence type they represent. Each Card is matched to the NC objectives.
- Staff are Elklan (Language Development) trained, and key staff are trained to a level 3.
- ‘Talk time’ is built into every lesson, so children have time to orally rehearse and organise their ideas.
- Mighty Writer is used across school to provide visual prompts for sentence construction and vocabulary.
- Woodgate is a language rich environment, key vocabulary is displayed, used and discussed wherever possible.
- All children are given the opportunity to perform on stage through Harvest, Christmas, Easter, End of Year and Talent Shows.
- Drama specialist works in school with all year groups throughout the year.
- Reading sessions are planned to elicit children’s oral responses to texts to include justifying answers, being articulate and elaborating on their thoughts.
- Spoken language objectives are considered and rehearsed in all areas of the curriculum.