Woodgate Primary School is passionately dedicated to developing our children’s understanding and use of the English language. Our children will write clearly and accurately for different contexts, purposes and audiences. They will have the confidence and skills to discuss, argue and elaborate on their ideas and experiences.
NC objectives are taught and new skills are rehearsed regularly through consolidation work, which is built into our own long-term planning and weekly planning. Writing is often taught through the immersion and exploration of a text. We carefully select a wide range of quality texts that represent the diverse school community, culture and the wider world. These texts are updated regularly to include new authors and texts. Over the course of the children's school life these texts become progressively more complex and challenging.
The English curriculum is a spiral approach.
This means that the
- children revisit a skill/ form several times throughout their time at Woodgate.
- the complexity of the skills, texts and vocabulary increases with each revisit.
- new learning has a relationship with old learning and is put in context with old information.
English is taught every day in every year group.
Please click below to find out how we plan these lessons.