Woodgate's 'Early Help' Offer
Early Help Support – We are here to help you
At Woodgate Primary School we understand that from time to time family life can have its challenges and sometimes families may need that extra help.
We believe that by working together we can better support children and families and can offer our families early help.
Early help can offer a wide range of agencies or people, for example, health services including the school nurse, housing services, DWP support and family support workers.
We can meet informally with parents/carers and children in the first instance and this can be followed by completing the Family Connect form or Early Help Assessment (EHA) if required - the school can make this request for support but parents can make it themselves if they prefer.
We will assess the needs using Right Help, Right Time. This may identify that a school can provide early help, family connect can support or that an Early Help Assessment is needed and the subsequent action needs to be taken.
Following our discussion and assessment, families may be supported by a range of professionals from within school and beyond. An initial meeting may be held with school staff or directly with external family support workers to look at what is working well, what needs to change and to agree some action that needs to be taken to help and support families. This will always be done with parents/carers consent. The lead worker arranges review meetings and is someone that you can speak to at any point.
As a school we aim to identify support early and to make sure that appropriate plans are in put in place. This will require families to work with school staff and other agencies if needed.
If you or your family need any help, however big or small, please reach out to us. Harriet Davies our dedicated Home School Link Worker is here to offer advice and guidance. She is based at the school Monday to Friday and can be contacted on the usual school number or by email at h.davies@woodgate.bham.sch.uk