Governors Board Information
A warm welcome from the Governing Board
Thank you for visiting us! We are volunteers who are passionate about children and their educational needs and we have chosen Woodgate Primary School, for a number of wonderful reasons including being parents to some of the children in the school, wanting to support the highest quality learning and support educating your children.
In order to make sure we do this effectively, we have three core responsibilities:
- We need to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction
- We need to hold the head teacher to account, while supporting and strengthening leadership
- We need to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure that money is well spent
These days, selecting new members of the governing board is very much about finding the right people with the right skills. We welcome governors from all backgrounds and walks of life and we believe that a diverse range of skills and experience makes for a more effective board of governors.
We meet once a term for our main meeting, which includes a termly strategy meeting too. If we have short-term projects to work on, we may form smaller working parties who get together to achieve a specific goal.
We want to do the best we can to support children's learning, development and their environment. We want to ensure the curriculum is rich and varied and as the chair of governors want to assure you that every child matters. You may see board volunteers around the schools as some come into school to support children with activities.
Governing Board Pecuniary Interests and Record of Attendance at Meetings
Abbreviation | Governor category | Appointed by |
MBR | Members | Members |
AS | Associate Member | Governing board |
CG | Co-opted | Governing board |
FOU | Foundation | Appointed by school’s foundation |
IEB | Interim Executive Board | Local Authority |
LA | Local authority | Governing board |
TRE | Trustees | Elected or appointed in accordance with the trust’s Articles of Association |
PAR | Parent | Elected or appointed by governing board |
Meet the Governors.
Name: Mrs D Colley
Appointment: Head Teacher
Dates: 01.09.2014
Committees: Curriculum and Resources
Other roles: DSL
Name: Mr Peter Maycock
Appointment: Co opted
Dates: 13.05.2018
Committees: Curriculum
Other roles: English Lead
Name: Mr Roger Wooldridge
Appointment: Local Authority Governor
Dates: 26.09.2018
Committees: Curriculum
Other roles: Vice Chair, Mathematics Lead
Name: Mr Steven Bradley
Appointment: Co opted Governor
Dates: 26.11.2019
Committees: Resources
Other roles:
Name: Mrs Susan Barratt
Appointment: Co opted Governor
Dates: 14.11.2017
Committees: Curriculum
Other roles: Chair, Pupil Premium Lead
Name: Mr Peter Jones
Appointment: Staff
Dates: 11.11.21
Committees: Curriculum
Name: David O'Mahoney
Appointment: Co opted Governor
Dates: 11.11.21
Name: Kay Taylor
Appointment: Co opted Governor
Dates: 11.11.21
Name: Roshni Myers
Appointment: Parent governor
Dates: 3.12.21
Name: Simon Lee
Appointment: Parent Governor
Dates: 12.01.23
Governors' Attendance record 2020-2021
Contact us
If you would like to contact the Chair of Governors then please fill out the information below and Mrs Barratt will get back to you as soon as possible.