Emotional Health and Wellbeing
At Woodgate Primary we have a whole school approach to emotional health and well-being.
A whole school approach involves all staff working together and includes strong partnerships between school staff, parents, external agencies and the wider community.
At Woodgate we understand our role in supporting children's emotional well-being by teaching the skills they need to recognise and deal with their emotions and by helping those with difficulties get the support they need.
We are currently working on our 'Trauma Informed Attachment Aware School' status. Through participating in this program, our staff are equipped with the knowledge and the skills to help vulnerable children through trauma and help them self regulate. A key element of this is the use of emotion coaching which recognises and validates children's feelings and promotes positive relationships. At Woodgate we believe that developing relationships, responding calmly and repairing and restoring makes a difference to our children's behaviour. This ethos is also reflected in our behaviour policy.
All staff are committed to the well-being of our children. We have a dedicated team led by Mrs Colley and Miss Carroll. Mr Jones leads our Woodgate Recovery and Positivity Room (WRAP) and has specialist training in supporting our most vulnerable children. Our child pyschotherapist Mr David O'Mahoney is on site 2 days a week and is a school governor. We have strong links with external agencies such as Beacon Behaviour Support and the Education Pyschology team.
Emotional Health and Well-Being Policy
Well-being contacts.
We have put together a list of organisations which offer free advice for different difficulties that children and young people face. Parents may also find the contacts useful for guidance and support.