Year 3
Mrs Peake Miss Angell
On this page, you will be able to find out about the recent projects and activities we have been involved in.
Reading Books
We aim to read and change books with the children every week. Please ensure that your child has their reading book and journal in school every day to support their progress in reading.
Reading Ambassadors
Every time your child reads at home, please record it in their reading records. This is classed as a 'read'.
After 25 reads, your child will be rewarded with the bronze badge and certificate.
After 50 it's silver.
After 75 it's gold.
100 reads is rewarded with the 'Reading Ambassador' badge and certificate.
Homework will be given out every Friday. One side will have English work and the other maths.
The maths homework will cover an aspect the children have been learning in the week or a timetables activity.
The English will be a reading comprehension or a grammar and punctuation activity.
Spellings will also be given out each week and will be tested the following week.
Reading should be a daily routine, with adults sharing books alongside children reading at their own level for at least 15 minutes each day. Please sign your child's reading record so they earn their Reading Ambassador awards.
PE kits
P.E Lessons will be on a Tuesday and Thursday.
Due to Health and Safety reasons, children who do not come to school with the correct PE kit will not be able to participate in PE lessons.
Children must have a red top, black shorts or joggers and black trainers (not pumps). Please do not send your child in with sports tops or patterned joggers.
If they do not have the correct kit mentioned above, children are to come to school in their school uniform with their PE kit in a bag and they can then get changed for PE before the lesson.
Children must not wear earrings for P.E lessons and long hair must be tied back.
Look at all the things we learn about in Year 3!
| Year 3 Curriculum Learning |
Autumn 1 | Transition |
History – Stone Age | |
Science– Rock Detectives | |
Art – Stone Age to Iron Age | |
Computing- Organising, Creating and Presenting | |
Science – Can You See Me? | |
Autumn 2 | Science – Can You See Me? |
Computing- QR Codes | |
Geography – Magic Kingdom | |
Art – Still Life/Portraits | |
DT – Stockings (textiles) | |
Art – Patterns in Nature | |
Spring 1 | History– Bronze Age |
Science – Amazing Bodies | |
Geography – Local area | |
Spring 2 | Geography – Local area |
Computing- Branching Databases | |
Science– The Power of Forces | |
Computing | |
Summer 1 | DT – Photo frame (resistant materials) |
Art – Ken Done | |
History – Iron Age | |
Science – How does your garden grow? | |
Summer 2 | Computing- Digital Literacy |
DT – Stir fry (food tech) | |
Geography - Jungles | |
Computing |
What the children say about year 3...
Blake said "I love Geography, I really want to learn about the world."
Nick said "I'm doing excellent in school. I've been getting lots of golds. I got a Good to be Green certificate. I get more greens than pinks."
Amina said "I like our calm space. If you feel unwell, you can ask the teacher to go there."
Tayah said "I like the challenge of being in Year 3."
Freddie said "The staff care about us. They are funny and silly. We are greeted by a "Good Morning", it makes us feel bumped up and welcomed."
Year 3 Clubs:
Science Club: Wednesday after school (summer)
Reading Club: Monday after school (spring)
Board Game Club: Thursday after school (spring)
Puzzle club: Thursday after school (autumn)
Sports Club: Tuesday and Wednesday mornings
Weekly Timetable
What have we been up to?
DT Inspire Workshop
In April, we welcomed lots of grown ups into school to help us complete our DT project. We had a great afternoon!
Our grown ups said
- "The staff were welcoming and friendly."
- "It was lovely to be in school and the activity was well prepared."
- "It was nice to spend time with my child."
DT - Photo Frames - Inspire Workshop
We used torches to experiment with light, shadow and reflection.
For grounds week, year 3 created a 'builder' scarecrow and painted our outdoor learning fence. We used colours and symbols to represent friendship and love.
As part of cultural celebration day, year 3 learnt a traditional Bhangra dance.
The children enjoyed using natural materials to create some Stone Age art, inspired by many caves around the world that were discovered to have drawings, dated to many, many years ago.
The children also used clay to create some jewellery similar to that which would have been worn during the Stone Age period.
Art - Stone Age Clay Necklaces
ART Stone Age Clay Necklaces
Educational Visit to Bishop's Wood
How lucky we were to fit in an early visit to Bishop's Wood! We had an action packed day, filled with fun activities which took us back to the Stone Age. We became hunter gatherers, throwing (pretend) spears at (pretend) animals and searched in the woods for suitable, natural food to eat. With our leaders Greg and Rachel, we made sparks to try and light a piece of cotton wool. We used willow branches to make fences to keep animals contained or to make a camp. We then worked as a team to figure out how to make a camp.
Extra homework
Home learning websites