Woodgate Primary school is a reading school.
Reading is at the heart of everything we do. We promote an environment where reading is celebrated, appreciated and respected.
How do we do this?
- Every class has protected story time most days, staff have been trained to deliver stories with creativity and confidence.
- Writing lessons start with a text.
- Guided Reading or Early Reading is taught across school using specially trained staff.
- Every class has its own inviting reading space, with front facing books that are continually updated to match the topics and interests of the children in each cohort.
- Staff display the title and author of the book they are currently reading to promote discussions.
- Every child takes home a phonetically decodable book and/or a choice book to read at home. Every time children read at home they earn a 'read' towards becoming a Reading Ambassador. Children receive a certificates and badges to wear as the progress through the stages. This is celebrated in assembly every week.
- We have a well-stocked and modern library. Our dedicated librarian has excellent contacts with book suppliers and our books are always being updated.
- Phonics is taught daily and any children who need extra support have targeted interventions throughout the week. Please see the phonics section of our website.
- KS2 have dedicated Accelerate Reader time each week.
- We have 3 Book Sheds which have regular donations of books, children are able to browse these books with help from KS2 monitors. These book sheds are open to all children every day.
- Books are precious to us. Children who impress their teacher can receive a VIPA award (Very Impressive Pupil Award.) This earns children a golden token that can be used to select a book from our book vending machine.
- We have a parent’s book shelf for families to use, so adults can model reading at home.
- We have a twice annual book event where children and families can buy books.
- Every child receives a new book at Christmas time as a gift from school.
- We celebrate World Book Day.
- Our English Lead is partnered with ‘Bookmark Charity’ and receives regular updates on new authors and titles and the school receives free book donations for being part of there ‘reading for pleasure’ research.
- All of our bottom 20% readers get to read with an adult in school 1;1 at least twice a week.
- Families receive ‘How to’ guides to support reading at home.
Click on the links below to find out more!
Why reading is so important!
Click here to find out about reading fluency.
What OFSTED said about reading at Woodgate
'The teaching of reading is developing rapidly across the school. Teachers ensure that pupils have the opportunity to read a wide variety of texts across different subjects. Pupils have access to high-quality texts, which they find motivating and interesting. Across the school, staff promote pupils’ love of reading well. Reading areas in classrooms are bright' OFSTED 2019
Book Sheds
We have 3 book Sheds across school. One in each playground. They are full of donated books. Monitors from KS2 open them every lunch time. Children are free to browse the books and take one to read.