Homework Expectations and Arrangements.
EYFS will send home a piece of home learning every Friday. It will be in your child's school bag. Please send the home learning back in on Monday morning.
The piece of work with cover a range of themes, subjects and genres.
Please read with your child each night (5-10mins) and please record in their reading record book. This will earn them 'reads.'
Year 1
Every Friday your child will be sent home with two pieces of work.
The phonics sheet will outline the phonemes and tricky words learnt that week so these can be revisited and consolidated at home. The sheet itself will be self explanatory but if you need any support or guidance, please see a member of the Year 1 team. The phonics sheet does not need to be returned.
The maths sheet will include number activities and build on their learning objectives for that week. This sheet will need to be returned on the following Friday.
Children will be sent home with 2 books every week. One book is to build upon their decoding and fluency skills (changed on a Monday) and the other is a choice book for reading for pleasure (changed on a Thursday). Please ensure they bring their book and diary in everyday as children will need their decodable book for their Early Reading sessions in school. Books that are lost/damaged will incur a charge of £5.
Children should be reading their book daily. Please remember to sign the reading record every time they have read so your child can be a Reading Ambassador.
Year 2
Your child will receive homework on a Friday. It should be completed and returned by Wednesday of the following week. Children will be given a sheet with a either a maths, reading or writing activity to complete. The most important thing is that children read every day. Reading books and diaries should be in school every day. We will try to change them on a Tuesday. Don't forget to sign their reading record each time they read so that they can achieve their Reading Ambassador Award.
Year 3
Homework will be given out every Friday. One side will have English work and the other will have maths. The maths homework will cover a concept of maths that the children have been learning during the work, or a times table activity. The English activity will be a reading comprehension or grammar activity. Spellings will also be given out each week and tested the following week.
Reading should be a daily routine enjoyed with adults at home. Don't forget to sign their reading record each time they read so that they can achieve their Reading Ambassador Award.
Year 4
Homework will have 3 parts - spelling, reading and a maths worksheet. Spelling tests will take place on Fridays and new spellings will be given out on Fridays (spare copies are always available).
Reading should be a daily routine enjoyed with adults at home. Don't forget to sign their reading record each time they read so that they can achieve their Reading Ambassador Award.
Maths homework will support the week's learning and will be sent home on a Friday. This will often be times tables based work to support preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check (MTC) assessment.
Year 5
There are three pieces of homework each week. Reading should be a daily routine enjoyed with adults at home. Don't forget to sign their reading record each time they read so that they can achieve their Reading Ambassador Award.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and your child will be tested on them the following Friday.
Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned by the following Friday. It can be handed in earlier and placed in the homework tray.
Year 6
Your child will receive both maths and spellings homework each week.
Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and should be returned on a Tuesday.
Spellings will be sent home on a Monday and your child will be tested on them on Friday.
Reading is an important life skill. Reading should be a daily routine enjoyed with adults at home. Don't forget to sign their reading record each time they read so that they can achieve their Reading Ambassador Award.