Year 2
Welcome to Year 2
2B 2H
Miss Byrne and Mrs Kelly
Mr Bradley (Monday)
Mrs Held and Mrs Trotman
Mrs Allum (Thursday)
Mrs Bradford (Friday)
Here you can find information on what we have been doing in school and events we have taken part in.
Year 2 Curriculum Documents
Year 2 will receive homework on a Friday. It should be completed and returned by Wednesday the following week.
Children will be given a sheet with either a maths activity or reading or writing activity.
Please ensure reading is happening as much as possible. Little Wandle books will be changed on a Monday and choice books will be changed on a Tuesday/Friday.
The most important thing is that children read every day. Reading books and journals should be in school every day. We will endeavour to change them every Tuesday. Remember, one book is for rehearsing fluency and the second book is to share and read for pleasure. Don't forget to sign your child's journal each time they read so they can earn their Reading Ambassador awards.
25 reads - Bronze award
50 reads - Silver award
75 reads - Gold award
100 reads - Reading Ambassador
Advice for reading with your child...
P.E is on Monday and Tuesday
On these days your child can wear their full PE kit into school. A full PE kit is a red t-shirt, black shorts and black trainers. We do not allow children to wear pumps during PE so please ensure your child has trainers. If you do not have a full PE kit please come to school in your normal uniform and change into your PE kit before the lesson. No jewellery is allowed in PE. This also includes studded earrings. If your child is unable to remove their earrings, then please send them in with plasters to cover them up.
Water bottles
It is important for all children to have a water bottle in school everyday. These should be clearly labelled with their name and class.
Look at all the things we learn about in Year 2!
| Year 2 Curriculum Learning |
Autumn 1 | Transition |
History - Toys | |
DT – Peg dolls (textiles) | |
Computing – Presenting Information | |
Science– Take care | |
Geography - Weather | |
Autumn 2 | Geography - Weather |
Art – Still life | |
Comp – Art of Animation | |
Science – Growing up | |
Music – Ho! Ho! Ho! | |
Computing – eBooks | |
Spring 1 | Geography– Where my food comes from. |
DT – Healthy dips (food tech) | |
Music – I want to play in a band | |
Science – Materials | |
Spring 2 | Computing – Collecting, Organising & Presenting Data |
History- History Makers | |
Art – Royal Portraits | |
Art – Castle building | |
Summer 1 | Science– Apprentice Gardener |
Music – Friendship Song | |
DT – Floating and flying (res mat) | |
Computing – Simple Algorithms & Programs | |
Geography – Kampong Ayer | |
Summer 2
| Science - Habitats |
Computing – Digital Literacy | |
History - Explorers | |
Art – Significant Artist, Andy Warhol |
Year2, enjoyed tasting a variety of healthy dips as part of their DT project this term. The children rated the dips and described the taste and texture. During the week the children will be planning and making their own dips.
Year 2 enjoyed taking part in an African Dance Workshop. We danced to Waka Waka by Shakira. Well Done guys, you were brilliant! We also enjoyed celebrating our different cultures and beliefs.
School Grounds Week w/c:23rd September 2024. Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a variety of activities to celebrate school.grounds week. 2B made chimes, 2H planted snow drops, pansies and daffodils near the greenhouse. Both classes helped make Jessie and Woody scarecrows, cheerio bird feeders and using natural materials the children made their names.
Year 2 made peg dolls in Design and Technology (W.C. 23rd September 2024). We found out that children often made peg dolls because they didn't have much money.
What children in Year 2 have to say
Bushra - "I enjoyed making a peg doll because I like using my imagination"
Cassie - "I enjoy Maths, especially doing challenges"
Lewi - "I enjoyed School Grounds week. It was fun planting bulbs"
Kaya - "I had fun in DT making a superhero peg doll"
Extra-Curricular Club Information
On a Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Dan runs a dodgeball and a football club before school.