Update for Parents 13th January
Every bit that you do is appreciated. Remember not to get stressed and don't put too much pressure on yourself or the children. We are in this situation for several weeks and need to stay emotionally healthy. We are here to support you and will help and advise in any way we can. Thank you for lovely telephone conversations and for letting the children come to the phone to speak to staff when they ring.
If you have asked staff for a paper pack of work, please come and collect it. Otherwise, it is a waste of time, paper and lost learning. We currently have 48 packs of this week's work in the school entrance waiting for collection. And it's Thursday tomorrow, so time is running out to complete it.
Remember we are providing packed lunches for any child that is entitled and next week should be able to roll out a weekly food hamper instead of collecting a packed lunch each day. We are just waiting for deliveries of food.
Since our school kitchen is open and providing food, vouchers will not be available at this time unless the Government changes its advice.
We are pleased to say that we have started to get ipads out on loan to children that need them to complete their remote learning. 12 have been collected this week and more have been allocated. If you would like to loan a device for your child, when your child's teacher phones you next ask to go onto the waiting list.
If you are a key worker and your child is currently attending school, please remember that the Government advice is to keep numbers of pupils in school as low as possible. Therefore, if there is someone at home that is able to look after your child please keep them at home. Many thanks to all the staff, parents and children for maintaining their positivity and for working well together.