Message from Mrs Colley
Dear Parents
We have had a really positive first week back at school. The children have returned refreshed from their break and have settled back in to school. We have a 12 week Spring Term for lots of valuable learning.
Thank you for making sure your child is in correct uniform every day and for sending them in with a water bottle. Please could you make sure that their water bottles are plastic and not glass. Some bottles appear to be thick plastic but are in fact glass and there have been some accidents resulting in broken and sharp glass.
Thank you for your support with this.
Just a reminder that there are 2 training days this term, both of which have been notified since the beginning of September.
Wednesday 8th February
Wednesday 22nd March - This is parents' consultation day and the day that the children's full records of Achievement are provided.
We break up for February half term on Friday 17th February.
We break up for Easter on Friday 31st March.
I hope that these reminders are useful.
Have a lovely weekend.