Learning at home during Lockdown
I hope that you are all keeping safe. All staff are in school working and are here to help. We have over 90 children attending school each day, children of key workers or those considered to be vulnerable. Teachers and teaching assistants have telephoned every parent/child this week. Thank you to those that have answered the phone. I know that many positive conversations have been had.
Please be aware that the school number sometimes shows on your device as 'unknown' or 'withheld'.
Please pick up if you can in case it is school trying to contact you.
The reason for school contacting you is so that we can direct your child to the work they are expected to do on the J2E learning platform, to offer a paper work pack if preferred and to check on their welfare and see if there is anything else school can support you with in these challenging times. If your child is using a paper pack of work, please return it to school so that it can be marked by the teacher and filed away. You will then be able to collect the next week’s work. If you are using the remote platform but are also doing some work on paper you can take a photo and upload it to the platform or simply email it to the teacher. Again, this is so that the teacher can give feedback to your child. We will contact you at least once a week and of course you can contact your child's teacher as often as you like via email. Remember, if your child is entitled to a free school meal you can order packed lunches to collect each day. Just phone the school office to arrange this. Please take up this offer to support you over coming weeks. Our school kitchen staff are here and want to provide food for the children.
We understand that supporting home learning is not easy, especially if you have more than one child at home and are also trying to work from home yourself.
We would ask that at a bare minimum you keep your child reading and writing and practicing their basic number bonds and times tables. If children do not keep these basic skills going for the next 6 weeks there will be a huge detrimental impact on their ability when they return to school. We are already trying to catch up from the impact of last year's lockdown. If you need an exercise book and school pen/pencil for your child to practice these skills please phone school and arrange to come and collect one. Reading in particular suffered massively last year - please make sure your child reads every day. There is a wealth of free reading material on the internet as well as whatever books you have at home. If you are really struggling to find material speak to your child's teacher and they will arrange for a book to come home. This must be returned before it can be replaced with another one.
We have a number of spare USB keyboards. These can be plugged into an Xbox or playstation which can then be used to access remote learning instead of a laptop or tablet. If you would like one so that your child can access the remote learning in this way, please phone school and arrange to collect one.
Remember, we are here to help and can't wait to have everyone back in school together safely to continue our journey learning together.