Welcome to new Reception intake 2020
Welcome Reception September 2020
We would like to welcome all our new families who are joining Woodgate and thank those who may already have brothers and sisters attending school, for continuing their journey with us.
We are very much looking forward to meeting your children and working in partnership with you to ensure that all the children have a happy and successful education here at Woodgate.
Due to the nature of the circumstances that we find ourselves in at this current time, induction for our new children may have to look very different this year. Unfortunately, we may not be able to offer our usual programme of meetings and visits. However, we will do our best to make your child's transition into school a happy one.
We aim to give you as much information as we possibly can. We are currently open for key workers at this time and we will update you on our plans for induction visits dependent on guidance from the Government.
Should you have any queries or require further information or support please do not hesitate to contact us on 0121 464 2315. You can also contact myself, Mrs Turner EYFS Lead via my email address z.turner@woodgate.bham.sch.uk We are currently operating on limited staff but will get back to you as soon as possible.