Update on school opening
I hope that this update finds all of you safe and well. Who could have imagined that we would be in this situation where we have had so few of our children in school for the past 12 weeks?
I am pleased to say that all of the staff team are fit and well. A small number of them are working from home due to shielding but are in regular contact with school.
We have remained open for children of critical workers and vulnerable children. About 30 of these children have been in school most days.
We have received some really positive feedback and thanks from the parents that have been able to continue to go to work because we have been open to their children since the beginning of lock down in March including through the Easter holidays and Whitsun half term.
Last week we opened to Yr 1 and Yr 6 pupils. Some parents of Yr 1 and Yr 6 pupils made the decision not to send their child into school and we respect that decision. No action is being taken against any parent that does not send their child to school at this time. We currently have 18 Yr 1 children and 25 year 6 children attending. This extended opening has been very successful. The children are managing the social distancing and extra hand washing procedures and are successfully working and playing in their allocated group and play spaces. I am ever grateful to the staff that are coming into work regularly to provide care and learning to the children that are in school.
We have attempted to maintain contact with all other children through telephone calls, and the staff really enjoy these conversations with you. We also continue to process free school meal vouchers each week to those that are eligible. We do have plenty of food in the food bank at school. If you are experiencing any financial difficulty and would benefit from a food parcel please contact the school office and we will arrange for you to come and collect one at a mutually convenient time.
As you can imagine, the current situation in school is constantly changing as new advice and guidance comes out from the DfE and the Local Authority. They have now announced that Primary schools will not be opening to all pupils before the end of the school year. We are doing all that we can to keep staff, children, parents and visitors to the school site as safe as possible. We are now re-visiting our risk assessments and considering whether we can safely open to another year group of children and if so, which group. We will let you know if the decision is made to do so. Until then, sadly, we must remain closed to Reception, Yr 2, Yr 3, Yr 4, and Yr 5 children.
Teachers will continue to upload new Maths and English lessons each week to the website class pages. If you cannot print them off we will happily print them off in school for you to collect.
Remember, there are book boxes outside the main entrance for children and parents to come and collect a new book to read.
If you do need to visit the school site for any reason, please follow the signs and instructions that are displayed so that social distancing can be maintained.