End of term message
We are fast approaching the end of a very busy and productive Autumn term. Thank you to all parents that have made sure that their children have been in school on time every day ready to learn.
Today we held a whole school assembly to celebrate achievements and give out certificates.
We presented 315 Behaviour Certificates for children that consistently demonstrate Green and Gold standards of behaviour. This is something to be very proud of!
We presented 116 99 club certificates for attainment in times tables knowledge.
We presented 78 certificates to children that had met their Accelerated Reading Target.
We presented 25 badges and certificates to children that have achieved bronze, silver or gold Reading Champion status.
Congratulations to all of the children that have worked hard this term and made good progress in school.
Tomorrow we will be presenting attendance awards. I wonder how many children will have maintained 100% attendance. And who will be the lucky winners of the £150 raffle prizes?