Covid Rate in school-Update
Dear Parents
I hope that this message finds you fit and well. I am informing you that we continue to be challenged by higher rates of covid infections than we have seen before. Last week, at the peak we had 13 members of staff absent from work and lots of children absent for various reasons including covid.
This week staff absence is slightly improved, and I am pleased to say that staff that are still absent are beginning to feel better and looking forward to returning to work as soon as their isolation period ends.
Please continue to support us by arranging a test for your child if they are at all unwell and keep them at home until you have a negative result.
This will slow the spread of infection.
If your child comes home and tells you that they have been taught by a different teacher it is because we are doing our best to keep all classes open and this includes deploying staff in different classes.
We are hoping that things will settle down over the next week or so.
Thank you for your continued support.
Debbie Colley - Head Teacher.