Confirmed case of Covid 19 affecting Yr 2
Today we have received confirmation of a case of Covid 19 in a lunchtime supervisor in Yr 2.
This means that Yr 2 children must self isolate for 14 days from their last contact with the case, this takes them up to and including Friday 6th November. They can return to school on Monday 9th November.
Yr 2 staff will be putting work on to the Yr 2 class pages each day for the children to access. They will also make telephone contact with you to offer support. If your child is entitled to free school meals and you would like a packed lunch for them next week, please phone the school office to order one and arrange collection. Your Yr2 child must not come to school to collect work or a meal or to bring siblings to school. The rest of your household do not need to isolate. If your child becomes symptomatic, please get them tested and let us know the results. Thank you for your support. Please contact school from 7:30am on Monday if you have any questions.