Attendance Update
Congratulations to Maryam and Iysha who were the lucky winners of the attendance raffle at the end of term. They will be able to choose a gift up to the value of £150!
We were pleased to award hundreds of certificates for bronze, silver and gold attendance levels at the end of term.
Unfortunately whole school attendance has dropped to 95%. This is in part due to some children having chicken pox, a sickness bug and some nasty winter coughs and colds in the last couple of weeks of term. Hopefully all of these bugs have disappeared over the holiday and we will be able to increase this figure back to the target of 96% quite quickly. Please help us to keep attendance high. It is also important that children arrive at school on time. did you know that if they arrive after 9:30 it is recorded as a half day absence?
Look out for the Attendance Newsletter coming out on Friday!